Myth 1. The randomness of CrossFit

Looking at the Crossfit workout, when people quickly run from one exercise to another, sniffing, puffing, and sweating, doing them at the maximum pace, you can get the impression of something very chaotic and incomprehensible. Yes, WOD is new at each lesson, but if you plunge into the essence of functional training and the construction of its training process in more detail, then in Crossfit you can clearly trace the absolutely justified structure of the complexes, as well as systematic power loads, built according to the rules of progression.

Perhaps, in amateur training, where the process itself is a priority, you can find some kind of chaos. But in Crossfit as a sport discipline, even if it is still very young, where the result is pursued, there simply cannot be talk about the randomness of the process.
Yes, Crossfit still lacks methodology, but this is attributed to its young age, and methodologists will definitely appear soon.

Myth 2. Clumsy technique

There is an opinion that Crossfit enthusiasts don’t have technique and randomly run, jump and twitch in training for nothing. Poor technique in weightlifting exercises leads to injuries – it’s a fact. People involved in sports trainings understand all this very well since there are many exercises with a barbell, kettlebells, and dumbbells. Therefore, a clumsy technique is only a trick of the coach.

In fact, any qualified functional training coach will never put an exercise in WOD if the mentee is not ready to perform it technically correctly. To do this, a special time is allotted in training, where athletes hone their technique, starting with lead-up exercises and light weights.

Myth 3. Crossfit is bad for the heart

This is probably the favorite stereotype of Crossfit opponents. During intensive work, the pulse goes off scale, the myocardium acidifies, and the pressure jumps.
Yes, during intense work the heart is stressed, but the heart is a muscle that can develop and adapt. Therefore, those who are engaged in Crossfit don’t feel worse but quite the contrary – they are full of vigor and radiate health.

In this matter, everything depends on the competent approach of the athlete and his coach. In order to strengthen the heart and not harm health, the load should be dosed, starting with cardio workouts on a rowing or exercise bike, treadmill, jump rope, allowing the heart to get used to the loads. As endurance improves, the load also gradually increases, and more complex exercises are included in the workout and the training regimen is changed. Novices are advised to work at an even pace on a pulse of 120-140 beats, avoiding shortness of breath.

It’s also necessary to distinguish between professionals and amateurs. Professionals always work for the result, at maximum loads that create a health risk. But this is a specific choice of a specific athlete.